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Emory Women Clinic can help you decide which birth control method is right for you. By reviewing your medical history, family history, and personal goals, our specialists can help you learn which birth control method is your best option.
Birth control options include hormonal and non-hormonal methods and come in the form of pills, injections, long-acting reversible implants, and barrier methods.
The latest in contraception: Long- acting monohormonal long-acting reversible contraceptives (+ 1 year)
Long-acting reversible contraceptives are the best form of birth control because they are easy to use, very reliable, and have a very low risk of side effects or complications.
These methods include:
Mirena (52 mg levonorgestrel) Intrauterine device (IUD) if you want to stop menstruating
Kyleena (19.2 mg levonorgestrel) Intrauterine system (IUS) if you want to menstruate
Combined hormone-based contraceptives
Methods combined hormonal contraceptives have the benefit of regulating cycles, control abnormal bleeding, provide periods shorter and less painful, and are also very reliable for contraception when taken properly. These methods include:
Combined oral contraceptive pills
Vaginal ring
Transdermal patch
monthly intramuscular injection
Progesterone contraceptives
Progesterone-only birth control may be the safest option for patients with certain medical conditions or a family history of certain conditions. This method is also our preferred method in the postpartum period. Progesterone-only methods include:
Progesterone pills, often referred to as the "mini pill"
Quarterly intramuscular and subdermal injections
LARC as Mirena, Kyleena, Jaydess
Birth control after delivery
Planning for another child after a recent delivery is a major concern to discuss with your gynecologist. We recommend having a reliable birth control plan after your delivery. Progesterone, LARC, and barrier methods are common options for planning birth control after a recent delivery. Your gynecologist can help you decide which method is right for you.
LARCs are highly recommended as a postpartum birth control method for their excellent reliability, low risk, and ease of use for mom's busy life. Progesterone-only methods may be the safest to use in the immediate postpartum period .
L to permanently prevent pregnancy may be desired for you for a variety of reasons purpose. Our gynecologists can guide you on the best options for permanent sterilization. These options include:
"Tubal Ligation" bilateral tubal occlusion or classical and laparoscopic: sterilization ujere m s
Vasectomy: Sterilization for Men
Permanent female sterilization by Hysteroscopy without scarring or surgery (Essure placement: titanium coil)
Options non - hormonal contraceptive: Barrier methods are also a common choice.
Non-hormonal contraceptive options may be the best option for women with certain medical conditions or for those who prefer to avoid exposure to exogenous hormones. Options include:
Copper or silver T IUD (intrauterine device)
Natural family planning
Barrier methods: diaphragm, condom
If you have doubts about which is the most suitable contraceptive method for you.